

What is Chiropractic?

(kaɪrəˈpræktɪk) American English, 1898 (adj.) ; 1899 (n.), from chiro- “hand” + praktikos “practical” ; loosely meant as “done by hand”
— Samel Weed

Chiropractic is a system of manual treatment designed to diagnose and restore function to restricted joints, relieving stresses from irritated nerves, muscles and ligaments


Your first visit will comprise of a medical history questionnaire with detailed questions about your complaint. This will be followed by a neurological and orthopaedic examination. You will be asked to wear a gown for the examination so please bring shorts or wear appropriate underwear. Please note that if the Chiropractor thinks it necessary to have an X-ray or other imaging you will be referred at this point.

Your second visit is when the Chiropractor will explain the findings from the initial consultation and the best course of treatment. This report is part of your initial consultation fee. At this point you will be advised on how many treatments may be necessary. If you are happy with the explanation you may begin treatment. If you decide to start treatment then further costs will apply; the Chiropractor will discuss these with you.

Subsequent visits to the Chiropractor will involve brief questions about how your treatment is progressing; this is to monitor improvement throughout the healing process. Treatment methods vary depending on many factors including medical history, age, lifestyle and acuteness of pain. Every patient has their treatment tailored specifically to them.